Chapter One Reflection

A lot of the chapter I found that much of what multi installation art is experimental which is one of the things that I think makes digital art so diverse.  Much of what people are taught early in life is how to look at art and just picture themselves as just a viewer of a piece is what I feel is the biggest difference when looking at the difference of the two kinds of installation art.  The fact that today many artist views the audience as part of the work itself, I think gives it a much great meaning to what we as either the artist or the audience feels when viewing a piece of work.

Many of the installation pieces have an interactive part as well.  Which lets anyone immerse themselves into a piece of art and come to their own conclusions.  This type of thinking that came with many of Installation Art pieces I feel gives a much greater sense of what we as people feel when viewing a piece of art.  Being able to call yourself part of the art gives us a much greater connection to what we as the audience feel when viewing Installation Art.  Although many of the piece that are talked about in chapter one are from 1965-1975 I think it still says a lot that even though it is not digital it still shows how lighting plays a big part in what we think of a piece.  Installation art early on seemed to get looked over early on because I think many people did not understand the idea of the pieces and the meaning it was trying to covey.


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